Dienstag, 26. April 2005


Hi there!

My name's Cindy and this is like the first time I write stuff about myself ever. Ms Podlovski says express yourself to get in touch with what's really inside you and I figure she's totally right. So here we go.
There's this guy in grad school and he was like wouldn't it be awesome if we had our own blogs n' stuff n' write all these things that no one ever understands except for us like our little secret or something. This guy was totally freakin me out but I played it cool and was like yeah, why not, go ahead. He totally went for it and started like writing this thing about me. My friend Mindy called me like the other day and said check out this weird thing that dude's writing about you. And I just thought this is so what I don't need right now. So I read the stuff and I was like oh my God how can he do this to me? Mindy was like telling it all over school and I was like can't I just disappear and have these freaks laugh about someone else for a change. I am so totally frustrated about the whole thing that I don't know who I can talk to. Ms Podlovski's right that it helps writing it all up and getting a clear head. I'm just so angry and hurt. Why wasn't I like fuck off asshole like everyone else is? Mindy says he's asking like people in school about me and trying to get my phone number. Oh my God! What if he rings me up n' stuff? I like have to talk to him in the cafeteria where there's people and tell him to forget the whole thing and leave me alone or I call the police or something. But then everyone's like staring at us and Mindy's sitting there with the other guys like finding it all so funny. Why's this happening to me? I'm freakin out if I go on like this. Please, God, make it all go away.


At 27. April 2005 um 09:41, Anonymous Anonym said...

Cindy, you got the brain of a four-year old, and I'm sure he was glad to get rid of it.

At 27. April 2005 um 15:04, Anonymous Anonym said...

This is like, you know, so not cool, i mean, he always sorta, like, you know, just is there and then like he says nothing und you know, i mean, then it's, i don't know, kinda like, quiet, which is sorta weird, but not like you know, like really weird, but, you know, maybe, like a little. i mean, i just kinda don't get much. at all. ever.

At 27. April 2005 um 15:48, Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi Mr Black,

it's like really weird but I feel this deep bond between us already like I know you forever n' stuff. Somehow I feel you know what I am going thru. We're kinda like two strangers but going in the same direction, if you know what I mean. I mean it's so special to find someone like you just like that. That's totally awesome.


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